The benefits for performance coaching for the corporate sector is enormous. In an ever changing and competitive market place, companies that build dynamic teams within their organization have a distinct competitive advantage over those that do not.
Tier 1 Performance Coaching are experts at building dynamic teams within a corporate structure by improving the capabilities of key personnel.
Organizations are transcending cultural boundaries to broaden their talent pool and tap into experience, skill and knowledge from across the globe. In many cases, key employees are often part of several different, and in many cases, overlapping teams that all work together to achieve overarching business goals. A weak link in this case can have devastating effects on a company in several ways. You can improve productivity 20%, but improve the INDIVIDUAL and productivity increases exponentially. There are many benefits to ensuring your key personnel are performing at optimal levels.
Benefits to Corporate Performance Coaching:
Benefit 1 – Reduced costs and turnover. Key employees who aren’t happy often leave an organization. Many times, their departure occurs only after they have caused severe morale and productivity problems. One disgruntled key employee can create havoc amongst fellow employees, especially if the departing employee has been the work unit’s “informal leader” and has a strong peer following. Even if supporters do not leave too, they can create more challenges once the problem employee has left.
Benefit 2 – Improved quality and quantity of work. By helping develop key employee’s knowledge, skills, and attitudes through ongoing coaching and training, the company in turn can enhance the overall effectiveness of employees and the organization.
Benefit 3 – Enhanced employee potential. Through an on-going performance coaching process, key employees can “raise the bar” for their collective teams by setting the example and leading by example.
Benefit 4 – Improved employee problem-solving ability. A primary goal of any company should be to develop their employees to a point where the employee can assume their supervisor’s job (either when the supervisor is away from the workplace or moves on to other responsibilities). Far too many companies have key personnel that fall into the “Peter Principle”, and therefore do not obtain maximum performance of that person.
Benefit 5 – Increased likelihood that performance goals will be reached. For key employees to attain the performance goals that you have set with them, they need the ability and skill sets to do so. Companies who make assumptions that key employees know how they are doing, and hold themselves accountable towards goal attainment are setting up a situation for failure.
Benefit 6 – Enriched transfer of training. It is estimated that U.S. companies spend approximately $300 billion dollars annually on employee training. Unfortunately, many of those dollars are wasted on training, seminars and workshops that do not provide a good return on investment for the company. Often times these services tell the employees “why”, but very few tell them “how” to perform better. WE DO!
Do you want to identify top performers in your organization? WE CAN SHOW YOU HOW!
Do you want to instill a “can do” corporate culture? WE CAN SHOW YOU HOW!
Do you want to increase critical thinking skills in your employees? WE CAN SHOW YOU HOW!
Do you want to increase performance and productivity? WE CAN SHOW YOU HOW!
Do you want to establish a new standard in professional excellence? WE CAN SHOW YOU HOW!
Do you want to build dynamic teams in your organization? WE CAN SHOW YOU HOW!
Do you want to increase the leadership abilities in your organization? WE CAN SHOW YOU HOW!